
  • 木香板
    Oriented Strand Board(OSB)


    Selected high-quality logs, planed and sliced into big chips of specified shapes and thicknesses, applied MDI (medical-grade artificial heart valve material) adhesive, multi-layer orderly directional paving production of formaldehyde-free oriented strand board, healthy and environmentally friendly, with super waterproof and moisture-proof performance; due to its structural characteristics of the board has a superior resistance to bending performance and the screw force, durable.

  • 多層實木板


    Adopt high quality Eucalyptus and rotary cut it into solid wood single pieces with regular shape and thickness, crisscrossed paved the single pieces with the environmental glue. The paving requires the single pieces of two sides from the center layer should be the same thickness and the same variety of tree. This is to ensure the stability of the board structure so it is not easy to crack and bend. The board has super humid resistant function and good screw holding force.

  • 實木安芯板
    Thick Solid Wood Core Plywood


    Special structure which has few layers but thick core, it is another type of plywood. New Zealand pine is selected as the center core material. The log is rotary cut and pressed into solid wood single pieces with specified thickness. The excellent eucalyptus pieces of the two sides from the center layer are paved vertically one after the other. With environmental glue, it ensures the stability of structure as well as improving the environmental function of the board. The board is light and its processing function is beyond solid wood.

  • 原態(tài)板
    Formaldehyde Free Board


    Formaldehyde free board is produced based on the same workmanship of MDF and particle board, but with MDI adhesive (material for medical grade artificial heart valve and without any formaldehyde added). It has passed the American CARB certificate and met the Japanese F☆☆☆☆ certificate. It can be widely used in furniture fabricating, interior decoration, residential buildings and so on.

  • 刨花板


    Process the log into granular material in uniform size, with environmental glue. And then manufacture to artificial board after hot pressing. The granular material are lay crossed and scattered. The physical and mechanical property is averaged. The board has good heat insulation, sound absorption and sound insulation performance. After surface decoration, the board can be used in furniture fabricating and household decoration.

  • 中纖板
    Medium Density Fiberboard


    Smooth surface, well-distributed wood fiber, moderate physical and mechanical properties, good machine processing performance. The board is very suitable for sculpture, shape and milling. The surface after decoration is fashionable, novel and elegant. It is a kind of good material which is widely used in furniture fabricating and household decoration.

  • 巖金板
    Rock Gold Board


    Rock Gold Board is made of wear-resistant decorative layer and non combustible substrate through high-temperature and high-pressure production.It is an A-grade non combustible material.A green and environmentally friendly board that combines multiple advantages such as the highest ENF environmental protection standard in the national standard, antibacterial and mold resistant, easy to clean, and convenient construction.
    Application scope: medical space, residential space, commercial space, transportation complex, entertainment space, sports space, education space

  • 橡膠木
    Rubber wood


    It is a purely imported tropical wood species.
    Advantages: Medium strength, low shrinkage, less susceptible to moisture deformation, good nail grip, and good mechanical processing performance.
    Environmental protection level: ENF.

  • 實木香杉板
    Kapok Finger Joined Board

    紅棉花實木香杉板,精選優(yōu)質(zhì)大徑香杉木,最大程度保留原木形態(tài),無摻雜雜質(zhì),針對母嬰等高敏人群研發(fā),完美達到國標ENF級。 使用德國進口溫康納設(shè)備,精選國內(nèi)外優(yōu)質(zhì)高檔飾面紙,全程自動化精細壓貼, 鋪裝-壓貼-晾板-包裝。匠心工序,超高品質(zhì),打造風(fēng)情萬種的家裝風(fēng)格。

    Kapok Finger Joined Board, selected high-quality large-diameter cedar wood, to maximize the preservation of the original wood form, no adulteration of impurities, for mothers and babies and other highly sensitive groups of people research and development, perfect to meet the national standard ENF grade.Using imported Wemhoner equipment from Germany, selecting high-quality and high-end decorative paper from both domestic and international sources, and fully automated and fine pressing,Paving, pressing, drying, packaging. Craftsmanship process, high quality, to create a charming home decoration style.

  • 海洋板
    Birch Plywood Board

    符合BS1088海洋膠合板國際標準生產(chǎn),一般用于游艇、車箱、船舶、室外木建筑 精選俄羅斯優(yōu)質(zhì)樺木原木,無需飾面,表面光滑不刮手,全自動生產(chǎn)線制作, 全程綠色生產(chǎn),0醛添加,可達國標ENF級 無需特意封邊,可搭配任何風(fēng)格,側(cè)面宛如威化餅干,多款彩虹芯可選。

    Produced in accordance with the international standard of BS1088 marine plywood, generally used for yachts, car trunks, ships, outdoor wood construction
    Selected Russian high quality birch logs, no need to finish, smooth surface without scratching, fully automatic production line production.
    Full green production, non-formaldehyde, up to the national standard ENF grade
    No edge banding required, can be paired with any style, the side is like a wafer biscuit, and multiple rainbow cores are available.

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